Responsible financing policy

Offa is committed to being a responsible financier, acting in the best interests of its customers. This means being open, honest and treating you fairly. These commitments underpin everything we do.
Our Responsible Financing Policy is described below.

These explain what you can expect from Offa when partnering with us.

If you have any questions please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

What to expect from us

What you can expect from us as a responsible financier when applying for financing:

  • Products designed to meet your needs which we will promote in a balanced way, showing the risks as well as the benefits.
  • Clear information on the amount of financing needed, any fees and charges that apply and our terms and conditions.
  • A robust assessment of your ability to make regular payments, based on your current circumstances and allowing for any known or foreseeable changes.
  • The use of credit scoring for all new financing to ensure a fair and consistent approach to deciding whether we will finance, underpinned by an underwriter assessment if appropriate.
  • Under strict controls we may share data with other financiers to improve the quality of our decisions, to reduce the risk of customers becoming over-committed and to prevent financial crime.
  • Personal information is treated confidentially and in accordance with Data Protection legislation. If you want to find out more, visit our Privacy Policy.
  • Reasonable notice of payment changes affecting you.
  • Prompt and professional handling of any queries or complaints you may have.
  • Considerate treatment in the event of financial difficulties or arrears.

What we expect from you

In return, we ask of you to:

  • Provide accurate and complete information on your application, particularly with reference to any information that may impact our assessment of affordability.
  • Regularly assess your financing and other financial commitments and contact us as soon as possible if you are experiencing, or expect to experience, any money worries.
  • Read and understand the terms and conditions on which the money is financed, seeking further information and help if needed.
  • Ensure you are comfortable with the level of finance requested (up to the maximum we will finance based on our own assessment).
  • Ensure you have the means to repay the finance amount at the end of the agreed term.