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Ready to find your perfect match? Provide your information in the form below and let us do the rest.

Personal Details

First Name

Invalid first name

Last Name

Invalid last name


Invalid email address


Invalid phone number

Date of Birth

Invalid date of birth

Number of Applicants

Invalid number of applicants

Application Details


Invalid residency status

Employment Type

Invalid employment type

Annual Gross Income

Minimum Annual Income is £21,000

Are you a first time buyer?

You can not proceed if you you are a first time buyer

Finance amount required

Must be between £60,000 - £1,000,000

Term of Finance?

Invalid finance term

Purpose of Finance?

Invalid purpose of finance

What is the expected rental income?

Invalid expected rental amount

Property Details

Property Type

Invalid expected rental amount

Property value / Purchase price

Minimum property value is £80,000

Where is security properly located?

Invalid location

Property Use

Invalid property use

Do you intend to live in the property?

You can not proceed if you intend to live in the property.

Additional Information

Consent to Offa holding your data?

Had CCJ or Bankruptcies?

Invalid response

Summary of finance requirements

Invalid response

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