Offa CFO a panellist at the Islamic Finance News UK Forum at Mansion House

Image for Offa CFO a panellist at the Islamic Finance News UK Forum at Mansion House

August 12, 2022

OFFA’s Chief Financial Officer Amir Firdaus was a panellist at the Islamic Finance News IFN UK forum at #mansionhouse, London, on Monday, speaking about ‘The Deployment of Sharia-Compliant Capital: Trends and Opportunities’.

Amir emphasised the importance of Sharia-compliant investors exploring a wider range of asset classes when looking at investment opportunities instead of purely focusing on real estate. He argued that by restricting themselves to risk-adverse UK real estate investment, Sharia-compliant funds are missing out on investing in exciting opportunities like Google or Amazon when they are at their infancy. 

Amir also highlighted the opportunities of investing in non-bank finance houses. He used the example of Fintech start-ups that are looking for funding, which can still provide a linkage to real estate, but at a more diversified level. Amir also spoke about the opportunities to invest in social care, healthcare, and social housing, which is much needed right now in the UK, and would have better impact on UK society.

Pictured at the panel is Amir Firdaus. Also picured standing at the IFN event are some of OFFA’s executives, Amir Firdaus on the left, Bilal Ahmed in the middle and Sultan Choudhury OBE on the right.

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